April News

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The month of April has flown by so far with the Easter holidays at the beginning!

Everyone had the opportunity at the end of the Spring Term to complete a hunt, puzzle or quiz in order to win their chocolate prize. Eigau class searched for their chocolate bunnies outside on the yard. Everyone managed to find their chocolate! The staff challenged the children in Dosbarth Crafnant to complete language challenges before they were given the opportunity to hunt for their chocolate. In Melynllyn class the children were busy cracking the code to discover where their chocolate was. Everyone succeeded! In Dulyn and Geirionydd classes the children completed a chocolate quiz as that was their theme and of course they had to succeed and get the correct answers before receiving their prize.

  • School children hunting for easter eggs
  • Children with Maltesers chocolate

To finish the term there was a disco and a chance for everyone to show off their dancing talents.

  • School children dancing in the disco

We look forward to a busy term ahead. Interesting themes have been developed and we have given the children the opportunity to plan and share their ideas. The children in Geirionydd and Dulyn Classes will learn about the Olympic Games. The children of Melynllyn Class have been asking a multitude of questions about Jack and his Bean Beanstalk and are currently investigating the tallest buildings in the world! As it was Earth Day they have also been learning how we can take care of our world. One of the children also brought in artefacts from the Second World War to show and discuss with the rest of the class. Very interesting!

  • A child drawing her hand on paper
  • A child with artefacts from the Second World War

In Crafnant's class they are studying the story of The Three Little Pigs and are  keeping an eye out for the Bad Wolf! Year One received a Kerbcraft certificate after demonstrating their listening skills and showing how to cross the road carefully. Well done children

Supertaten has arrived in Eigiau Class and the children have been planning how they will help catch the evil Mr Pea. There will be many exciting activities ahead!

  • School children holding their certificates after learning how to cross the road carefully

We will be holding a summer Fair here on Saturday, June 22nd from 11am-4am and we extend a warm welcome to everyone.

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