March News

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The month started with St David's Day celebrations and a school eisteddfod. Everyone wore red, white and green clothes to school and we had a feast of singing and reciting performances from all classes. In addition, a show from In Character about the  Bishop William Morgan visited to perform for Year 4- Year 6 and gave them an opportunity to learn a bit of Welsh history. In the afternoon there was another In Character show – Lady Llanfoer  telling  the story of the Welsh dress for Year R- Year 3. A very interesting day was had by all!

Some of the children competed in the Melin y Coed Eisteddfod in recitation and also by completing artwork. Well done to all of them and also to the children who competed in the Urdd District Eisteddfod in singing and reciting. The school is very proud of all of you.

World Book Day was held on March 7th and everyone came to school dressed as a character from the favourite book. We had a wonderful service from Dosbarth Crafnant who gave a special presentation to our favourite story this year - The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

A fundraising day was also held for Comic Relief. The theme was red – hair, clothes and anything else! The children had the opportunity to complete a variety of fun activities and in Dosbarth Geirnionydd they had a joke telling competition!

Dosbarth Eigiau

They have been busy continuing with their theme 'I'm going on a bear hunt and one sunny morning they had the opportunity to follow a sensory path barefoot! They loved walking through soil, straw, snow (shaving foam) and water! They were also given an opportunity to research eggs as we were discussing Easter. They observed eggs before they were cooked and were given a chance to prepare egg sandwiches, make a small picnic and a chance to eat them. They have also been learning how to look after chicks in the small world area and everyone has named their chick and received a certificate for looking after it carefully.

Dosbarth Crafnant

They have been learning to 'Go trot trot' and Aunty Zoe came to  show them her horse equipment to discuss looking after  horses. The children had thought of many interesting questions and learnt a lot from her. They have also been having afternoon tea after deciding what they would like to ea- 'something nice nice for tea!' They had the opportunity to prepare and enjoy some very tasty cakes and sandwiches.

  • aunty zoe visiting the school showing the children horse equipment

Dosbarth Melynllyn

They have started preparing the outside area for spring and have planted beautiful flowers outside the classroom. They too had the opportunity to prepare delicious biscuits for Mother's Day and had an opportunity to use their careful weighing and measuring skills when preparing the ingredients. They have been asking questions about water as they study ''Dacw Mam yn dwad'' and have planned their own scientific investigations with water. They also had the opportunity to take part in a workshop led by Spectrum on healthy relationships. The children responded very maturely during the sessions.

Dosbarth Dulyn and Geirionydd

Jodie from the Size of Wales charity came back to hold a workshop on chocolate and Fair Trade. The children were given the opportunity to prepare hot chocolate as the Mayans would drink it – it nothing like the hot chocolate they are used to! They had to prepare the cocoa beans and there was no milk or sugar in it! They also learn about Fair Trade farmers and all the work required to prepare the chocolate for very little money. They also had a challenging afternoon when Dylan from the CELS company visited to lead a workshop which focused on developing character and team work.

A busy month and term once again here! To finish the term everyone will have the opportunity to complete an Easter quiz/hunt and a disco to celebrate Easter! We look forward to the Easter holidays and the Summer Term and hope it will be a nice one!

  • young boy playing with cocoa beans and chocolate in school

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