February News

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Well that's it another half term has flown by. Everyone at Ysgol Dyffryn yr Enfys s is excited to see February after the wind, ice and snow that came in January.

The children of Eigiau, Crafnant and Melynllyn Classes have been learning about Chinese New Year celebrations. The children had the opportunity to taste noodles and tried to eat them with chopsticks! Very challenging for them! In addition they were able to learn the Dragon dance and to learn about the traditions of the festival .

As part of their learning about the story 'I'm going on a Bear Hunt' the children have been learning about  farm animals. They had an interesting afternoon observing eggs before and after they were cooked, learning little about chicks and then to finish the afternoon they made delicious egg sandwiches to eat.

  • Children making egg sandwiches

Crafnant Class children have been outside in the sun learning about light and shadows and luckily for them it was a nice day and a good opportunity to investigate light and darkness. As part of their theme Whatever next? they have also been estimating distances between the planets by counting steps on the yard outside.

Melynllyn Class have been practicing their DJ skills with weekly workshops from the LA music service. They will have the opportunity to perform for the rest of the school and we are very much looking forward to their performance. In addition  they have been learning about graffiti drawing methods and have been creating posters to display on the 'decks' during their performance. The Xplore Science company also came here to hold a workshop on Light for Dosbarth Dulyn and Melynllyn and the children had a great opportunity to learn about how light works about the colours of the spectrum. Melynllyn Class will also be creating a Willow Tunnel on the school field and we look forward to seeing it sprout in the Spring.

  • Children practising their DJ skills
  • A child holding a torch

Dulyn and Geirionydd Class have been studying the book  Grandpa’s Great Escape and as a result have been researching what would be the best use for helping grandfather to jump out of the plane. It was a very interesting afternoon watching the many eggs (uncooked!) fall with a parachute from the windows! Not all eggs managed to remain intact!

A special day was held to celebrate Cymru Music Day and everyone had the opportunity to listen to and appreciate Welsh music. Some of the children listened to folk music and learned folk dancing and we have some  very talented rappers in Year 5/6. Some of the boys composed a special rap about Wales – great work boys! To finish the day we had a disco led by our DJ's 'Y Criw Cymraeg'.

Year 5 have been completing their cycling training and there was great praise for them. All listening well and having succeeded. Geirionydd Class has also had a very busy half term and have been planting over 100 trees on the field as part of our new garden. They also had a very interesting workshop from Xplore Science learning the importance of laying a good foundation in science and in life. Year 6 children also had the opportunity to be part of a workshop "Don't steal my future". An opportunity to listen and discuss sensitive issues that can affect the children as they grow. Once again there was great praise for their behavior.

To finishthis half term the School Council have organised a non school uniform day in order to raise money to buy fish and a tank for the school. The children have asked for a school pet in their annual questionnaire. We look forward to going to buy the fish and equipment after half term.

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