January News

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Dosbarth Eigiau

Dosbarth Eigiau has been reading 'We're going to hunt a bear!' and they went looking for the bear one morning in the woods and used the binoculars they had created to find it. They have also been learning about the different types of animals that live in the forest. Fortunately for us we also had some snow and ice during January and it was a great opportunity for the children to learn about how ice melts and snow feels. Next they will be learning about mud and there will be plenty of opportunities for them to play in the mud and in our mud kitchen making a mess.

  • Children in dosbarth eigiau looking for the bear in the woods

Dosbarth Crafnant

Their theme is nursery rhymes and they had the opportunity to choose their favourites. During the first half term they have been learning’ Fuoch chi ‘rioed yn morio?' They have been finding out where the Isle of Man is by searching on Google Earth and have discovered many facts about the island. They have also been very creative creating paintings of the island and they also had fun creating Saint Dwynwen cards. It was lovely to see their unique designs. They also had the opportunity to go out to play in the snow and they were very pleased after to come into the warmth of the school. Our children in Year 1 have also been receiving Kerbcraft sessions to enable them to keep safe when crossing the road.

Dosbarth Melynllyn

The children have been busy preparing artwork for the Melin y Coed Eisteddfod. The theme is The Red Dragon and each one the children have created is unique. Melynllyn class also had the opportunity to enjoy the snow for the short time it was here.  In addition they also have been choosing their favourite nursery rhymes and have chosen 'Mi welais Jac y Do' as their theme for this half term. Perfect timing also to learn about the birds that visit the school garden and take part in the RSPB's bird watching campaign. They have been creating food for the birds hoping that we will see a variety of feathered visitors around the school and are designing bird houses for them. The children asked - How do we see? (I saw Jac y Do) and as a result they have been learning about Braille and creating their names in Braille in clay.

Dosbarth Dulyn and Geirionydd

Chocolate is their theme this term and they have been asking a lot of questions to guide the learning. They have been researching a variety of chocolate and at what temperature it melts. In addition they have taken part in an art workshop and have been learning about Quentin Blake and trying to recreate similar pictures. They love reading the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and have had the opportunity to learn where chocolate comes from and learn the word 'chocolate' in other languages. The Y5/6 children had the opportunity to take part in football sessions and some of the children will compete in a Football Festival before the end of February. Jodie from the The Size of Wales charity came to lead an extremely interesting workshop about the rainforests and was full of praise for the children's knowledge and behaviour.

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