June News

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June news

Time is galloping by and everyone at Ysgol Dyffryn yr Enfys has been very busy!

Forest School

All the children at the school have had the opportunity to learn about the wildlife that surrounds them on the school site with Alys. They have been planting, creating habitats for small creatures and will be creating a willow tunnel during the coming weeks. We hope to develop the land surrounding the school further over the coming weeks and also develop a project that will include learning about the bats that have a special home here on site.

  • Children running around wearing butterfly wings

D Day

The children from Dulyn and Geirionydd Classes went down to the Garden of Remembrance in Dolgarrog on June 6th to remember the D Day landings that took place 80 years ago. They had the opportunity to talk to former soldiers and ask about their medals and also to learn about the importance of these events from the past.

  • Children standing infront of a D Day memorial


All classes have had the opportunity to attend end of year visits and have been very fortuante to have had dry weather on those days. The youngest children went to Gypsy Wood and had a wonderful day, enjoyed by all. Crafnant and Melynllyn Classes went to Greenwood for the day and they had a opportunity to experience many activities and to be adventurous. The older children visited Crocky Trail and enjoyed  playing and having fun with their friends at the end of a very busy school year.

Women's Race – Tour of Britain

There was great excitement here on the afternoon of Thursday, June 6th. The children had the opportunity to watch the bike race pass the school and they also loved seeing the police on their motorbikes stopping outside the school with their blue lights flashing and hearing the sirens.

Other activities

Geirionydd Class competed in the Cricket Festival in Llanrwst. It was a great opportunity for them to practice their aiming and catching skills and also to compete against other schools. Melynllyn Class children have also been practicing their rugby skills once again with Ifan the Dyffryn Conwy Rugby  Development Officer. It is the last term for our children in Year 6 and we were very pleased to see their farewell hoodies arrive before the end of the term and that they will  get the opportunity to wear them. Year 3 had an interesting morning with Alina from the National Trust talking about the local wildlife and the children were given the opportunity to record the information in a piece of artwork in the form of a banner.

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